vimer linux kernel 爱好者




__task_pid_nr_ns(struct task_struct *task,enum pid_type type,struct pid_namespace *ns) #文件包含 #include<linux/sched.h> #函数定义 ##在内核源代码的位置 linux-3.2.64/kernel/pid.c ##函数定义格式:

pid_t __task_pid_nr_ns(struct task_struct *task, enum pid_type type,
		struct pid_namespace *ns)
	pid_t nr =0;
	if (!ns)
		ns = current->nsproxy->pid_ns;
	if (likely(pid_alive(task))) {
		if (type != PIDTYPE_PID)
			task = task->group_leader;
		nr = pid_nr_ns(task->pid[type].pid,ns);
	return nr;

#函数功能描述 此函数用于获取进程的进程号,但应该满足以下几个条件。 1.参数type如果不等于PIDTYPE_PID,则参数task用其所属任务组的第一个任务赋值,否则保持task不变。




enum pid_type
	PIDTYPE_PID, //进程的进程号
	PIDTYPE_PGID, //process group' leader process ID
	PIDTYPE_SID,  //session' leader process ID
struct pidmap {
	atomic_t nr_free;
	void *page;
struct pid_namespace {
	/*kerf is reference count,代表此命名空间在多少进程中被使用*/
	struct kref kref;
	/*current system PID */
	struct pidmap pidmap[PIDMAP_ENTRIES];
	int last_pid;
	struct task_struct *child_reaper;
	struct kmem_cache *pid_cachep;
	unsigned int level;
	struct pid_namespace *parent;
	struct vfsmount *proc_mnt;
	struct bsd_acct_struct *bacct;
extern struct pid_namespace init_pid_ns;


 *include head file
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/pid.h>
 *define subprocess function  
int my_function(void *argc)
	printk("<0>in the kernel thread function\n");
	return 0;
static int __init __task_pid_nr_ns_init(void)
	int result;
	printk("<0> into __task_pid_nr_ns_init.\n");
	 *Create a new process
	result = kernel_thread(my_function,NULL,CLONE_KERNEL);
	 *get subprocess pid
	struct pid *kpid = find_get_pid(result);
	 *get 进程所属的任务描述符
	struct task_struct *task = pid_task(kpid, PIDTYPE_PID);
	pid_t result1 = __task_pid_nr_ns(task, PIDTYPE_PID, kpid->numbers[kpid->level].ns);
	printk("<0> the pid of the find_get_pid is :%d\n",kpid->numbers[kpid -> level].nr);
	printk("<0> the result of __task_pid_nr_ns is :%d\n",result1);
	printk("<0> the result of kernel_thread is :%d\n",result);
	printk("<0> the pid of current thread is :%d\n",current->pid);
	printk("<0> out __task_pid_nr_ns_init.\n");
	return 0;
static void __exit __task_pid_nr_ns_exit(void)
	printk("<0> Goobye __task_pid_nr_ns\n");
 *load and exit




insmod __task_pid_nr_ns.ko

这时一般终端就会有消息产出,如果没有可以接着使用 __dmesg -c__命令 ##终端信息

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.244921]  into __task_pid_nr_ns_init.

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.244971]  the pid of the find_get_pid is :2915

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.244980]  the result of __task_pid_nr_ns is :2915

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.244988]  the result of kernel_thread is :2915

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.244995]  the pid of current thread is :2914

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.245002]  out __task_pid_nr_ns_init.

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 21 15:28:12 ...
 kernel:[  458.245964] in the kernel thread function
dmesg -c
dmesg: klogctl failed: 不允许的操作

#find_get_pid() 定义:struct pid *find_get_pid(int nr) ##功能 此函数根据提供的进程号获取对应的进程描述符,并使进程描述符的count的值加1即此进程的用户数加1

##参数说明 nr即为进程号 ##返回参数 返回与参数提供的进程号对应的进程描述符,进程描述符定义如下:

struct pid {
	atomic_t count;
	unsigned int level;
	struct hlist_head tasks[PIDTYPE_MAX];
	struct rcu_head rcu;
	/*struct upid类型的数组*/
	struct upid numbers[1];
struct uoid {
	int nr;
	struct pid_namespace *ns;
	struct hlist_node pid_chain;
extern struct pid init_struct_pid;


#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/pid.h>

 * define subprocess
int my_function(void *argc)
	printk("<0> in the kerenl thread function!\n");
	return 0;
 * load module function
static int __init find_get_pid_init(void)
	int result;
	printk("<0> into the find_get_pid_init.\n");
	 * create a new process, the value of return is a int num,also called 
	 * process id  
	result = kernel_thread(my_function,NULL,CLONE_KERNEL);
	 * According to process id,call zhe function,get the process descriptor
	 * information, wait ...atomc_t?
	struct pid *kpid = find_get_pid(result);
	 * how many time use the function
	printk("<0> the count of the pid is :%d\n",kpid->count);
	 * level
	printk("<0> the level of the pid is :%d\n",kpid->level);

	 * display PID
	printk("<0> the pid of the find_get_pid is :%d\n",kpid->numbers[kpid->level].nr);
	 * display kernel_thread's return value
	printk("<0> the result of the kernel_thread is :%d\n",result);
	printk("<0> out find_get_pid_init.\n");
	return 0;	
 * quit module define
static void __exit find_get_pid_exit(void)
	printk("<0> Goodbye find_get_pid");


Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.689851]  into the find_get_pid_init.

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.689863]  the count of the pid is :2

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.689864]  the level of the pid is :0

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.689866]  the pid of the find_get_pid is :3554

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.689867]  the result of the kernel_thread is :3554

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.689868]  out find_get_pid_init.

Message from syslogd@debian at Nov 23 05:42:16 ...
 kernel:[ 3162.690635]  in the kerenl thread function!

上一篇 创业

