vimer linux kernel 爱好者

12 linux 系统呼叫函数和 strace


强大的调试工具 strace



strace -e open target-file
strace -o out ls
# Slow the target command and print details for each syscall:
strace command

# Slow the target PID and print details for each syscall:
strace -p PID

# Slow the target PID and any newly created child process, printing syscall details:
strace -fp PID

# Slow the target PID and record syscalls, printing a summary:
strace -cp PID

# Slow the target PID and trace open() syscalls only:
strace -eopen -p PID

# Slow the target PID and trace open() and stat() syscalls only:
strace -eopen,stat -p PID

# Slow the target PID and trace connect() and accept() syscalls only:
strace -econnect,accept -p PID

# Slow the target command and see what other programs it launches (slow them too!):
strace -qfeexecve command

# Slow the target PID and print time-since-epoch with (distorted) microsecond resolution:
strace -ttt -p PID

# Slow the target PID and print syscall durations with (distorted) microsecond resolution:
strace -T -p PID

syscall, must to read xx man

read: read bytes from a file descriptor(file,socket)

#include <unistd.h>

ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)

write: write bytes into a file descriptor(file,socket)

open: open a file (return a file descriptor)

close: close a file descriptor.

fork: create a new process(current process is forked)

exec: execute a new program

connect: connect to a network host

accept: accept a network connection

stat: read file statistics

ioctl: set I/O properies, or other miscellaneous functions

mmap: map a file to the process memory address space

brk: extend the heap pointer.

上一篇 MKNOD命令

