vimer linux kernel 爱好者

git cherry-pick usage


I often hear the cherry-pick usage,but, how to use it?


In Neomutt git repository, i translated zh_CN version on translate branch.If i did not checkout -b my_local_branch.Just not on “translate branch”.(Sure, i git clone -b translate url:neomutt-site).

I have finished my work(translate), at last git push origin translate,the result you have seen above. This is help from Marcel Schilling

@yuzibo: just cherry-pik cfdf804 ontop of master and force-push to your translate-branch, this will ‘fix’ this PR, so you could re-open it:

# clone your fork locally
git clone

# enter it
cd neomutt

# fetch & checkout your broken translate branch
git checkout -b translate_broken origin/translate

# get the main repo as a remote
git remote add main

# fetch the latest state of the main repo
git fetch main

# checkout the latest master as base for your new translate branch
git checkout -b translate main/master

# use only the last commit of the broken branch for the new one
git cherry-pick translate_broken

# overwrite you broken remote translate branch with the fixed one
git push --force origin translate

上一篇 bpf的简介

